Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions

Dinosaur Story | Dino Island: The Minions

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Dinosaur Story | The Broken Promise

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

The Dinosaurs have taken over Dino Island. In the heart of the vast ocean lay an island lost to time, where towering palm trees danced in the breeze and ancient ruins whispered tales of a forgotten era. But this was no ordinary island; it was a realm where prehistoric giants roamed and ruled with primal majesty. Dinosaurs, long thought extinct, held dominion over this enigmatic land, their colossal forms casting shadows over the dense foliage. Among them, a tyrant rex held sway, its thunderous roars echoing across the island as it enforced its iron-fisted rule.

Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions
Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions

The Dinosaurs have taken over Dino Island. And They Informed The Minions :

” Okay Good Job Minions! “

The Minions :

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

Dinosaurs , “Our Rule Is Very Simple.”

The Minions Listen with glee

” How Simple “

Dinosaurs , ” My Things are my things. Your things are also my things . Understand ?”

Minions, ” But That’s not what you promise us? !!!! “

The Minions were shocked, they never believed that the dinosaurs were lying to them.

Dinosaurs, ” Where is the Contract?”

The Minions starred at each other in disbelief.

Dinosaurs, ” So very simple. You Minions just need to be our slaves and work for us. Then you Minions Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay and Pay .”

Then Once A Year, You need to find a Minion to sacrifice to us!

The Minions were terrified! In a comical frenzy, the minions find themselves face-to-face with towering dinosaurs. Their yellow bodies quivered with fear as they scurried to hide behind rocks and bushes, their wide eyes darting nervously at the colossal beasts roaming nearby. With chattering teeth and frantic gestures, they communicated their terror, realizing that banana pranks were no match for the sheer size and primal power of these ancient creatures. In a chaotic display of panic, they scrambled to find a way back to the safety of their own time, their banana-shaped goggles askew with anxiety.

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions
Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions

Dinosaur Story | Minion Joe

Amidst the trembling masses, one brave minion Joe, with a banana sword clenched tightly in hand, stood tall amidst the chaos. “We need to fight the dinosaurs!” he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of determination and sheer madness. His fellow minions stared at him, aghast at the audacity of his suggestion. Yet, as the ground trembled with the approaching footsteps of a colossal T-rex, desperation spurred them into action.

The Brave Minion charged fiercely at the Dinosaurs. Suddenly he was in front of the Dinosaurs. He turn around and suddenly saw that he was alone. Behind him, the minions has done some makeshift seats fashioned from overturned crates, a rowdy congregation of minions eagerly devoured popcorn, their eyes fixed on him Minion Joe.

” Go Joe!!! Go Joe!!! “

” All The Best Joe!!!”

” Do Your Best !!!”

With animated gestures and exaggerated expressions, they reveled in the chaotic spectacle unfolding before them. Amidst the laughter and cheers, popcorn flew through the air as the minions eagerly shared their snacks, their high-pitched chatter filling the makeshift theater with excitement.

The T Rex Eat Joe in a bite. The fight was over.

” That’s it ???”, The Minions were disappointed.

The Dinosaurs said, ” Okay, this one for this year! Bring a New One Next Year!”

Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions
Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

Minion Dave

The Next Year come quickly. They gathered around and say, ” Let’s Draw Sticks! The one with the shortest Sticks Will Be Sacrificed!!”

So They took a bunch of sticks. And Broke one of the stick and gave it to Minion Dave.

Minion Dave, ” Ha? Like that one?”

Minions , ” Dave, you have the shortest stick! Now it is your turn! “

So Dave was sacrifice to the Dinosaurs.

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

Minion Peter

The Next Year come again.

The Minions Says, ” Okay, This year, we voluntold some one. So Peter, it is you!”

Minion Peter , ” Ha? Why Me ? “

Minions, ” Because we says So !”

Minion Peter , ” But why not Mary? “

Minions, ” Because Mary is a Girl! Can Go Hotel With Us and make more minions You Cannot! “

Minion Peter , ” But I never Go Hotel With Mary! How? “

Minions, ” If Mary Go Hotel With You. How She Go Hotel With Us ? Don’t be stupid please!!! “

Minion Peter , ” Ha? “

Minions, ” It is like that one! “

So the Minions go sacrifice Peter to the Dinosaurs

“Boo Hoo Hoo.

What Do We Do?

Dinosaurs So Scary!

We Are So Afraid!

Boo Hoo Hoo.”

Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions
Dinosaur Story | Dino Island The Minions




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